Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Creation of Man (and Woman)

The Enuma Elish is the first known creation epic. Scholars are convinced however that this Babylonian creation epic is also a copied and somewhat modified version of earlier Sumerian history. Modified to show the Babylonian God Marduk as the hero of creation.

The biblical book of Genesis, compared to the Enuma Elish, is evidentially a condensed and edited version of creation taken almost directly from the Babylonians. The book of Genesis originated in the time of Moses when the Hebrew people were wandering the desert, they, as was the tradition, were orally recounting events that had occurred thousands of years before at the dawn of time. They were recounting the Enuma Elish. Which is not surprising considering that Abraham, the patriarch of the Hebrew religion was the son of a Summerian high priest. For more information on Abraham click his name to the left.

Most scholars, with the exception of those with strong religious convictions, are convinced of this fact.

Man's creation came about as a result of the hardships and trying conditions that the Anunnaki workers were subjected to in their mining operations.
Ea, and his team, were sent to Earth to remove gold from the waters, but, given the difficulty of this process, mining was started in Africa.  Enlil was sent to Earth to manage the settlement in the Middle East, this area was called by them the E.DEN.

Ea was then sent to Africa to oversee the mining; his name was then changed to EN.KI.(All the Nibiru names have descriptive meanings regarding their roles/functions, etc.)  This laborious mining was done initially by the Annunaki, which eventually led to a minor revolt by Anunnaki workers (apparently lead from behind the scenes by Enki). There were several brief bloodless conflicts, which resulted in a plan to create slave labor.  The result of this revolt was Ea's suggestion that he create workers from beings present in Africa, through a process of genetic manipulation beings called "Lulus" who were unable to reproduce (possibly the Neanderthals), were created by Ea and Ninhursag, requiring the female Annunaki to birth each of these new workers, males and females.  This was, obviously, a severe hardship on them.

That the Elohim wanted an intelligent worker to help with the labor is also reflected in the Bible:

Genesis 2:15 The LORD Elohim took man and put him in the Garden of Eden To work it and take care of it.

From the Sumerian text:

The newborn's fate thou shalt pronounce; Ninti would fix upon it the image of the gods; And what it will be is Man.

Ninti nipped fourteen pieces of Clay; (same word is used for egg)
Seven she deposited on the right, Seven she deposited of the left;
Between them she placed the mold.

The wise and learned, Double-seven birth-goddesses had assembled.
Seven brought forth males, Seven brought forth females; The birth goddesses brought forth the wind of the breath of life.

Initially the Elohim, Enki and Ninti (AKA Ninhursag) attempted to work with the existing primate species of Earth. They tried to enhance the primate's intelligence and physical stature. They tried genetically to cross breed several different species of local animals. After suffering many set backs of which resulted many strange creatures of various descriptions and is the origin of "mythical beasts" such as the Centaurs, Harpies, Minotaurs etc.

Finally they decided to splice their genes with those of our primate ancestors. The resultant being, they called "Adamu," or "Man of Earth." Through all the genetic manipulation the Adamu were made to look like smaller versions of the Elohim, themselves.

Now you know the answer to one of the greatest questions of the Bible - why Genesis 1:26 says, Then the Elohim said, "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness..."

This information from the Sumerians explains many other scientific mysteries and of the evidence amassed to support the conclusions. Exhibit ‘A’ is us, man himself;

-Why do we humans have a gene pool with over 4000 genetic defects and our closest genetic relatives, chimps and gorillas, have very few?

-Why do we humans have genes that are only 250,000 to 300,000 years old and anthropologists insist that we descend from creature's 4,000,000 years old?

-Why we humans in no way resemble those ancient so-called "pre-humans"?

-Why we humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes for a grand total of 46 and our closest genetic relatives (sharing 98%-99% of our DNA) total 48. How could we humans lose 2 whole chromosomes in only 250,000 years?

-Why is our skin is so poorly adapted to the amount of sunlight striking the Earth?

-Why, of all the known primates, are we the only ones without any pigmentation in the palms of our hands or the soles of our feet?

-Why are we so physically weak compared to our closest genetic relatives?

-Why can scientists today tell us all about our ancient ancestors but as yet have failed to produce one iota of evidence to explain the missing link between them and us?

-Why have humanoid remains been found that are up to four and a half million years of age, yet leading geneticists state that the DNA for the planetary population of human beings can be traced back to a common root no more than three hundred thousand years old?

-How could Neanderthal, a supposed pre-cursor to the homo line have co-existed for thousands of years with Cromagnon?

The Adamu were originally created to work in various labor projects around the world. These included mining, food growing, construction, etc.

Against a general consensus of the Elohim, Enki/Ea, on his own, developed a new creature that could reproduce independently, whom he named "Adapa", the cause of man's fall from grace and expulsion from the Garden of Eden. The “new” Adamu population began to multiply quite rapidly.

This explanation is more scientifically accurate than to say that the entire human race sprung from the loins of two people, which is a genetic impossibility.

Soon, word of what was occurring on the Earth, reached the leader Anu on the home planet. He demanded to be brought an Adamu for examination. The Elohim on Earth worried that their leader would consider what they had created to be an abomination and would order all of the Adamu destroyed. They had no choice but to comply, and so sent one of their Adamu to the great vessel of Anu, which was then orbiting the Earth. When this Adamu arrived, he was questioned and examined thoroughly by Anu. He was enchanted with this little version of an Anunnaki, and said so to his sons in charge of Earth. He ordered that the Adamu be taught civilization, as well as establishing rules governing their care.

This story is also reflected in the Bible. The Adamu that the Elohim sent, was kept by their leader, and did not remain on Earth. His name in the Bible is Enoch.

Genesis 5:24 "And Enoch walked with the Elohim and was not, for the Elohim took him."

These events as well as many others are not just verifiable to the believers of the bible. They are reflected time and time again in many of the world’s religions and mythologies - many of which pre-date Judaism.

After these events, the population of Adamu began to increase dramatically. They lived alongside the Anunnaki and Elohim as servants or slaves and later, in many cases concubines, wives or lovers.

It became a status symbol among the Elohim and Anunnaki to own as many Adamu as they could. This led to some serious problems resulting in some skirmishes among them. Slaves would leave their masters and run off to other Elohim territories. Needless to say, the "Master" who had lost his slave was very angry. Sometimes, this led to conflict among the Anunnaki, and in certain cases, bloodshed.

The leaders of the Anunnaki, the Elohim, determined that physical means of containment were both impractical and ineffective. They had to find a way to make their Adamu want to stay with their respective masters.

The answer was psychology. An emotional bond had to be formed between the Elohim and their slaves. One so strong it would overcome any desire to leave or stray. The result was what we call Religion.

Religion is the most powerful enslavement tool ever created. It worked in this way. The Elohim would become the "God" or "Goddess" of a particular group of Adamu in their “City-States”. Priests and Priestesses were trained to teach the various rituals and laws of obedience as well as scientific knowledge to the others.

The Adamu were taught that their God(s) were the only God(s), and that any neighboring "supposed" Deity was evil, and should therefore be avoided at any cost.

To centralize their individual sphere of authority, each Sumerian “City-State” became a home of a "God or Gods". These cities became the home of both man and "God." The solution worked beautifully for many years. If you wish to study this particular aspect of early religion further, you may find the original story in the Sumerian texts most of which are available readily online.

The Elohim leader on Earth, at the time was Enlil, son of Anu, younger brother of Enki, he was particularly angry at the situation. To Enlil the Adamu were an abomination and began to become troublesome, their constant fornication everywhere disgusted him. After an attempt to teach them better ways through punishment failed the Adamu became violent, rebelling against their "Anunnaki Parents".

Enlil ordered that the population of man be cut down. This was to be accomplished by limiting the amount of food supplied, and so starve off a portion of the population. This was a complete failure, as most Elohim could not stand to see their Adamu, many of which were in part their descendants suffer in this manner.
To add insult to injury, Enlil received even more distressing news... The Anunnaki started to reproduce with the Adamu!

Genesis, chapter 6, "The sons of the Elohim said of the daughters of man, that they were fair, and they took them wives, all of which they chose. There were Nephilim on the Earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of the Elohim came unto the daughters of man, and they bore them children."

Some of their offspring became great leaders living in the cities.

This portion of the tale is probably best documented and relayed through the extra-biblical text known as the Book of Enoch wherein it tells the story of the “Watchers” who came down to earth and cohabitated with the daughters of man. They taught them civilized arts, metal smithing, jewelry making, music, medicine and many more things.This portion works well with the Sumerian records as well if we consider the “Igigi”, the “shuttle craft” corps left in orbit to receive and relay messages and visitors from the home Planet Nibiru.  They have also been called the “Watchers”. It was they who orchestrated several rebellions.

Enlil remained disgusted by the thought, so much so, that when an opportunity presented itself to fix the problem once and for all he took it.
The Anunnaki monitoring the Earth from space were aware of an imminent global catastrophe that would produce a lot of precipitation, and tidal flooding especially along the coastlines.

This catastrophe was predicted from several factors. The melting of the polar icecaps combined with the Antarctic ice sheet sliding into the sea. To further exacerbate the situation the close physical proximity of the Planet Nibiru, which always has a dramatic affect on Earth's global weather patterns. Another possibility is the theory of Earth Crust Displacement as another contributing factor.

All Annunaki were ordered into orbiting spacecraft and the entire area of the Sinai Peninsula was evacuated of Anunnaki by order of Enlil. There was one other small thing they were required to do. They were ordered to leave all their Adamu.

When the Elohim and Anunnaki returned to earth, they had a surprise waiting for them. Enki had secretly warned Ziusudra/Utnapishtim (Ziusudra in Sumerian, Utnapishtim in Babylonian) to build a ship for his family and all the animals and plants of the Earth. Ziusudra did as advised by his "God" and also allowed the families of the people who worked on his ship to accompany him and his family.

Yet another startling parallel between the much older Summerian records and the Bible. Most people today know of Ziusudra, as Noah. Almost every ancient civilization has a story of the great flood and the survivors who were warned by a God.

The biblical version of the "Great Flood’s" happy ending is chock full of biblical contradictions. It begins by telling of man's abominations including the corruption of the purity of the "Sons of God". A decision is reached to have all flesh perish. The same Deity rushes Noah in 7 days to build an Ark to save the seed of mankind and all living things. Why? Was the Deity's purpose in this to defeat his own plan? When the flood is over and the Ark lands the deity is enticed by the smell of roasting meat, forgets his original determination to end all mankind, and even makes a covenant with Noah to never do so again.

The nagging contradictions can easily be placed to rest if one considers the fact that the bible’s version is an edited version of the original Sumerian account. As in many other instances, the edited "monotheistic" Bible has compressed into one deity the roles played by one or more other “gods” who did not always act in accord.

From the Sumerian version, Enki who disagreed with his brother Enlil’s command to destroy all humans warned Utnapistim/Ziusudra.

'Man of Shuruppak, son of Ubar-tutu: Tear down thy house, build a ship! Give up possessions, seek thou life! Foreswear belongings, keep soul alive! Aboard ship take thou the seed of all living things; That ship thou shalt build - Her dimensions shall be to measure…

From the Bible, God determined to end all mankind then gives a reprieve and warns Noah.
Genesis 6:14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.
Genesis 6:15 And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.

After the flood, Utnapishtim/Ziusudra built an altar and offered a sacrifice.
From the Enuma Elish;

'the gods smelled the savor, the gods smelled the sweet savor the gods crowded like flies about a sacrificer'

From the Bible;
Genesis 8:20 And Noah builded an altar unto the LORD; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar.

Genesis 8:21 And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.

At first when Enlil discovered Enki's ploy of saving the Adamu he was furious. He soon relented after discovering that all livestock and produce had been destroyed in the flood and that Enki's forethought had also prevented a disaster for the Anunnaki. Enlil was very forgiving after hunger set in and he partook of the burnt sacrifices offered by Utnapishtim/Zuisudra/Noah.

A pledge was then made to the Adamu by the Elohim and also by Yahweh to Noah, that never again would the Elohim order their destruction. It is a promise made to man that has been kept ever since (so far).

By Summerian and biblical reckoning this occurred at approximately 11,000 BC. Coincidental to the end of the last Ice Age and the time frame for the Earth Crust Displacement theory, and the approximate time frame when geologist's believe the water erosion on the Sphinx Occurred.

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